The Disease Odds (Odds in Favor of Having One or More Episodes of Uri) in Breast-fed Babies Are:



Reducing babe mortality is a major public health goal. The potential impact of breastfeeding on infant deaths is not well studied in the United states (United states of america).


We analyzed linked birth−death certificates for iii,230,500 United states births that occurred in 2017, including vi,969 post-perinatal deaths from seven−364 days of age as the principal outcome, farther specified as late-neonatal (7−27 days) or post-neonatal (28−364 days) deaths. The primary exposure was 'ever breastfed' obtained from birth certificates. Multiple logistic regression examined associations of ever breastfeeding with post-perinatal deaths and specific causes of deaths, controlling for maternal and baby factors.


Nosotros observed an adjusted reduced odds ratio (AOR)=0·74 with 95% confidence intervals (CI)=0·70–0·79 for the clan of breastfeeding initiation with overall infant deaths (7−364 days), AOR=0·60 (0·54–0·67) for late-neonatal deaths, and AOR=0·81 (0·76–0·87) for post-neonatal deaths. In race/ethnicity-stratified analysis, significant associations of breastfeeding initiation with reduced odds of overall infant deaths were observed for Hispanics [AOR=0·64 (0·55−0·74)], non-Hispanic Whites [AOR=0·75 (0·69−0·81)], non-Hispanic Blacks [AOR=0·83 (0·75−0·91)], and not-Hispanic Asians [AOR=0·51 (0·36−0·72)]. Across racial/ethnic groups, effect sizes for tardily-neonatal deaths were consistently larger than those for post-neonatal deaths. Significant effects of breastfeeding initiation were observed for deaths due to infection [AOR=0·81(0·69–0·94)], Sudden Unexpected Infant Death [AOR=0·85 (0·78–0·92)], and necrotizing enterocolitis [AOR=0·67 (0·49−0·90)].


Breastfeeding initiation is significantly associated with reduced odds of post-perinatal infant deaths in multiple racial and ethnic groups within the US population. These findings support efforts to improve breastfeeding in infant mortality reduction initiatives.

Key words

  • Breastfeeding
  • Infant mortality
  • Racial/ethnic disparity

Research in context

Prove before this report

The benefits of breastfeeding on reducing infant and child morbidity and mortality take been well documented for the developing world. The 2016 Breastfeeding Lancet Series continues to provide unequivocal prove regarding the numerous run a risk reductions that optimal breastfeeding practices offer to children and women worldwide and the major savings that improving these practices tin can accept due to public health benefits. However, only two small studies in the Us have assessed the associations of breastfeeding with all-cause infant mortality upwards to now.

Added value of this study

Our study is the first linking all births in the United States to infant deaths upward to 1 year after nativity to evaluate whether the benefits of breastfeeding on reducing infant mortality is as well evident in a adult state. Nosotros found a 26% reduction in odds for overall post-perinatal deaths from 7 to 364 days associated with the initiation of breastfeeding. For late-neonatal deaths from 7 to 27 days, the reduction in infant mortality was greater at 40%, with nineteen% reduction in post-neonatal deaths from 28 to 364 days associated with the initiation of breastfeeding. Statistically significant effects of breastfeeding were too observed for infant deaths due to infections (AOR=0·81, 0·69–0·94, p=0·007), Sudden Unexpected Babe Death (AOR=0·85, 0·78–0·92, p<0·001), and necrotizing enterocolitis (AOR=0·67, 0·49–0·90, p=0·009).

Implications of all the bachelor bear witness

These findings back up integrating efforts to promote, protect, and support breastfeeding equally one of the primal strategies for US infant mortality reduction efforts.


Baby mortality, divers equally expiry of a child before the first birthday, is viewed as a mensurate of baby health and an overall indicator of a nation's well-being.

The baby mortality rate (IMR) in the The states (US) is higher than in other high-income countries

and major disparities exist past race/ethnicity.

In 2018, there were 5·7 baby deaths per 1,000 alive births in the US; leading causes included built malformations (21% of deaths), curt gestation and low birthweight (17%), maternal complications of pregnancy (6%), sudden infant expiry syndrome (SIDS) (half-dozen%), and unintentional injuries (5%).


  • Xu J
  • Murphy SL
  • Kochanek KD
  • Arias E.

Bloodshed in the United states of america, 2019.

According to 2018 national statistics,

not-Hispanic Black infants had the highest IMR (ten·8 per chiliad births) and non-Hispanic Asian infants had the lowest IMR (3·6 per chiliad births). As with IMR, racial/ethnic disparities in breastfeeding be; for infants born in 2017, the lowest breastfeeding initiation charge per unit was amongst non-Hispanic Black infants (73·7%) and the highest was amidst non-Hispanic Asian infants (90·0%).


Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention. National Immunization Survey: Breastfeeding Rates.

While the racial/indigenous disparities on infant deaths in the US remain poorly understood, it has been postulated that lower breastfeeding rates in non-Hispanic Black population may partially explain the disparities. Given the high overall IMR and racial inequities in the US, interventions that could subtract the risks for overall babe deaths and reduce the disparities are needed. Examining the associations of breastfeeding with infant deaths could contribute important strategies to decrease infant bloodshed beyond the nation.

Breastfeeding is the optimal source of nutrition for infants


U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.Due south
Section of Health and Homo Services. Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

and is associated with reduced risk of acute otitis media, gastrointestinal and astringent lower respiratory infections, type 1 diabetes, necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), SIDS, asthma, and childhood obesity.


  • Ip South
  • Chung M
  • Raman Chiliad
  • et al.

Breastfeeding and Maternal and Infant Health Outcomes in Adult Countries.


Protective effects of breastfeeding confronting infectious diseases play an important role in reducing infant bloodshed in low- and centre-income countries.


WHO Collaborative Study Squad on the Function of Breastfeeding on the Prevention of Babe Mortality


Nevertheless, studies are limited in high-income countries where infectious diseases account for a smaller portion of infant deaths, due to meliorate resources of hygiene and control of infectious diseases.

Analyzing a representative sample of U.s. infants born in 1988, Chen and Rogan

reported an adapted odds ratio (AOR)=0·79 with 95% conviction intervals (CI)=0·67–0·93 for the association between initiation of breastfeeding and post-neonatal mortality, defined as deaths between 28 and 364 days. More recently in Shelby Canton, Tennessee, Ware and colleagues

found that breastfeeding initiation was significantly associated with reductions in full post-perinatal mortality, defined as deaths between 7–364 days [AOR=0·81 (0·68-0·97)] and belatedly-neonatal mortality, defined as deaths between vii–27 days [AOR=0·49 (0·34-0·72)]. Based on risk reductions associated with breastfeeding, it has been estimated that if 90% of US infants exclusively breastfed for half dozen months, more than 700 deaths amongst infants <1 year of historic period could be prevented annually.


  • Bartick M.C.
  • Schwarz E.B.
  • Green B.D.
  • Jegier B.J.
  • Reinhold A.1000.
  • Colaizy T.T.
  • Bogen D.L.
  • Schaefer A.J.
  • Stuebe A.Yard

Suboptimal breastfeeding in the United states: Maternal and pediatric health outcomes and costs.

Breastfeeding may reduce babe bloodshed through optimized nutrition, improved feeding hygiene, enhanced maternal-infant bonding, and the unique immunological properties of breast milk with development of a healthy gut microbiome.


  • Lawrence RA
  • Lawrence RM.

Breastfeeding: A Guide for the Medical Profession.


Still, no big The states studies have examined breastfeeding and all-crusade baby mortality.


Data source

The National Vital Statistics Arrangement (NVSS) led by the National Heart for Health Statistics (NCHS) is a demography of all alive births and deaths in the Us, derived from the Standard Certificates for Alive Birth and Death.


Starting in 2016, all fifty states and Commune of Columbia (DC) adopted the 2003 revision of the nativity certificates, which includes breastfeeding initiation, allowing us to analyze US national data to examine the impact of breastfeeding initiation on babe death using linked nascency and infant death files. Using NVSS data, nosotros created the "2017 birth accomplice" consisting of nascence data from infants born in 2017 linked to infant death data occurring in 2017 or 2018 (up to one year after nativity).


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Center for Health Statistics. Vital statistics online. Cohort linked birth-infant death.

Merely births and deaths occurring in the 50 states and DC were included. Amongst 3,864,754 births in 2017, a total of 22,197 died earlier 365 days of life, yielding an IMR of 5.74 per one thousand live births in this accomplice. Exclusion criteria included infants born to mothers who were foreign residents (n=9,254), birth weight <500 grams (n=6,187), death <7 days (n=half dozen,913), and death due to malignant neoplasms (n=42) or congenital anomalies (north=i,843), which express the study to the U.s. birth population and reduced the possibility of reverse causality. Births in California and Michigan were also excluded, equally California did not report breastfeeding data to NCHS during the study menstruum and Michigan collected breastfeeding data inconsistently. Afterwards excluding California (470,225), Michigan (109,886), and infants with missing breastfeeding data from other states (29,904), the final analytical population included 3,230,500 births delivered in 2017, of which 6,969 infants died between 7–364 days (Figure 1).

Figure 1

Consequence variables

Amidst 6,969 full post-perinatal deaths (7–364 days), there were 1,722 late-neonatal deaths (seven–27 days) and 5,247 post-neonatal deaths (28–364 days). Cause of death was certified co-ordinate to the International Nomenclature of Diseases, Tenth Revision


World Health System
ICD-ten: international statistical nomenclature of diseases and related health problems: tenth revision.

as follows: Causes due to infection included diarrhea and gastroenteritis of infectious origin (A09), whooping cough (A37), meningococcal infection (A39), septicemia (A40 to A41), meningitis (G00, G03), acute upper respiratory infections (J00 to J06), flu and pneumonia (J10 to J18), acute bronchitis and bronchiolitis (J20 to J21), chronic and unspecified bronchitis (J40 to J42), congenital pneumonia (P23), and bacterial sepsis of the newborn (P36). Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) was used to describe the sudden and unexpected expiry of an baby; this includes SIDS (R95), accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed (ASSB, W75) and unknown (other ill-divers and unspecified cause of mortality, R99). Crusade due to NEC is categorized by P77. Cause due to injuries are specified by unintentional injuries (V01 to X59) and assaults (*U01, X85 to Y09). All other deaths are coded as "Other" category.

Main exposure variable and covariates

Breastfeeding initiation was collected on the birth certificate with the question ''Is the infant being breastfed at discharge?'' with a ''Yes'' or ''No'' response selection. The NCHS provided detailed guidance to aid in completion of the facility worksheet for the birth certificate including instructions that breastfeeding should be determined from medical records, based upon indication of receipt of any breast milk or colostrum during the menses between delivery and hospital discharge.


National Center for Wellness Statistics
Guide to completing the facility worksheet for the certificate of live nascence and written report of fetal expiry.

In that location was no information on the birth certificate regarding the elapsing or exclusivity of breastfeeding or formula supplementation.

All covariates were obtained from the birth document. Maternal characteristics included age, instruction, race and ethnicity, participation in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Programme for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) during pregnancy, marital status, timing of prenatal care initiation, smoking during pregnancy, pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI), way of delivery, nascence plurality, principal source of payment for this delivery (insurance), and maternal diabetes and hypertension in this pregnancy. Infant characteristics included admission to the neonatal intensive care unit of measurement (NICU), gestational historic period, previous alive births to the mother (nascency order=1 for no previous children), nascence weight, and infant sex.

Statistical Analyses

Breastfeeding initiation was coded as ''Ever'' versus ''Never.'' Cochran–Mantel–Haenszel tests were used to examine the associations of each maternal and baby characteristic with the binary outcomes of death (yes/no) and breastfeeding (ever/never). Logistic regression was used to model infant death and subsequently specific causes of decease. Because associations between breastfeeding and babe bloodshed may vary by race/ethnicity, gestational age, and birthweight,


stratified logistic regression analyses were performed by these factors. Each logistic regression model was adapted for all covariates listed inTable 1 except for NICU and gestational age due to their loftier collinearities with birth weight. Covariates in multiple logistic regression analysis included parameters commonly associated with both increased babe mortality and lower breastfeeding rates, including maternal factors (maternal race/ethnicity, age, education, WIC status, marital status, prenatal care, smoking during pregnancy, pre-pregnancy BMI, mode of delivery, birth plurality, insurance, maternal diabetes and hypertension) and infant factors (birth club, sex, and birthweight).

In addition, birth weight was excluded from the adjusted analysis for specific cause of death due to NEC. This approach avoided overfitting the model considering virtually all infant deaths due to NEC were either preterm (<37 weeks) or had low birth weight (<2500 grams).

Table 1 Sample characteristics of linked file for live birth in 2017 and post-perinatal babe deaths in 2017 or 2018, Usa

Total alive births

northward (%)

Overall babe deaths

(seven−364 days)

n (%)

Overall death rate per i,000 birth Tardily-neonatal deaths

(7−27 days)

n (%)

Late-neonatal death rate per one,000 birth Postal service-neonatal deaths

(28−364 days)

n (%)

Mail service-neonatal decease rate per 1,000 birth
Overall 3,230,500 (100) 6,969 (100) 2·16 one,722 (100) 0·53 5,247 (100) 1·62
Maternal Characteristics
<xx years 169,080 (five·2) 695 (x·0) 4·11 142 (8·2) 0·84 553 (10·five) iii·27
20-24 years 655,222 (20·3) 2,049 (29·4) 3·xiii 443 (25·7) 0·68 1,606 (30·six) 2·45
25-29 years 950,586 (29·iv) 1,944 (27·9) 2·05 436 (25·three) 0·46 1,508 (28·vii) one·59
thirty-34 years 908,176 (28·1) 1,417 (twenty·three) i·56 417 (24·ii) 0·46 1,000 (19·ane) i·10
>=35 years 547,436 (16·9) 864 (12·4) 1·58 284 (16·5) 0·52 580 (11·one) i·06
P value < 0·001 < 0·001 < 0·001
<High school 425,061 (xiii·2) 1,465 (21·0) 3·45 315 (18·3) 0·74 1,150 (21·9) 2·71
High school 819,782 (25·4) two,524 (36·two) three·08 564 (32·eight) 0·69 1,960 (37·iv) 2·39
Some higher 925,198 (28·six) ii,004 (28·viii) ii·17 517 (30·0) 0·56 1,487 (28·3) ane·61
≥College 1,037,888 (32·ane) 906 (thirteen·0) 0·87 306 (17·8) 0·29 600 (11·iv) 0·58
Missing 22,571 (0·seven) lxx (1·0) 3·10 20 (i·two) 0·89 fifty (1·0) 2·22
P value < 0·001 < 0·001 < 0·001
Hispanic 663,545 (xx·5) 1,067 (fifteen·three) 1·61 268 (fifteen·6) 0·40 799 (15·2) 1·20
Non-Hispanic white i,769,279 (54·8) iii,252 (46·seven) one·84 824 (47·9) 0·47 2,428 (46·3) 1·37
Non-Hispanic black 506,440 (15·7) ii,022 (29·0) 3·99 463 (26·nine) 0·91 ane,559 (29·7) three·08
Not-Hispanic Asian 171,023 (5·3) 187 (2·7) 1·09 64 (3·vii) 0·37 123 (2·3) 0·72
Non-Hispanic Hawaiian

/Pacific Islander

seven,430 (0·2) 20 (0·iii) 2·69 NA NA 16 (0·iii) 2·15
Non-Hispanic American

Indian/Alaska Native

27,757 (0·nine) 129 (1·9) 4·65 22 (1·3) 0·79 107 (2·0) 3·85
2 or more than races 67,490 (ii·1) 251 (3·6) 3·72 sixty (three·five) 0·89 191 (iii·6) ii·83
Missing 17,536 (0·v) 41 (0·6) 2·34 17 (1·0) 0·97 24 (0·5) ane·37
P value < 0·001 < 0·001 < 0·001
Aye ane,187,674 (36·8) 3,459 (49·6) 2·91 690 (40·one) 0·58 2,769 (52·8) 2·33
No two,004,960 (62·1) 3,411 (48·9) ane·70 1,005 (58·4) 0·50 ii,406 (45·9) ane·xx
Missing 37,866 (1·2) 99 (1·4) ii·61 27 (1·6) 0·71 72 (i·4) 1·90
P value < 0·001 0·0037 < 0·001
Yes 1,940,199 (sixty·1) 2,500 (35·9) i·29 733 (42·vi) 0·38 ane,767 (33·7) 0·91
No ane,290,301 (39·9) iv,469 (64·1) 3·46 989 (57·4) 0·77 3,480 (66·3) 2·lxx
P value < 0·001 < 0·001 < 0·001
Prenatal Intendance
1st trimester two,394,102 (74·1) four,208 (60·4) 1·76 1,099 (63·8) 0·46 3,109 (59·3) 1·30
2nd trimester 544,709 (16·ix) ane,582 (22·7) 2·90 300 (17·4) 0·55 i,282 (24·four) 2·35
3rd trimester 150,397 (4·7) 386 (5·5) 2·57 53 (3·1) 0·35 333 (6·3) 2·21
No prenatal care 57,928 (i·8) 435 (6·2) seven·51 156 (9·1) 2·69 279 (five·iii) iv·82
Missing 83,364 (2·6) 358 (5·1) 4·29 114 (6·6) 1·37 244 (4·7) ii·93
P value < 0·001 < 0·001 < 0·001
Smoking during pregnancy
Aye 241,322 (7·5) i,363 (19·6) 5·65 269 (15·6) 1·11 one,094 (20·ix) 4·53
No 2,974,973 (92·one) 5,541 (79·5) ane·86 1,435 (83·iii) 0·48 four,106 (78·three) one·38
Missing xiv,205 (0·four) 65 (0·9) 4·58 18 (ane·0) 1·27 47 (0·9) three·31
P value < 0·001 < 0·001 < 0·001
Pre-pregnancy BMI (kg/yardtwo)b
<18·five 105,999 (3·three) 282 (4·0) 2·66 69 (4·0) 0·65 213 (4·1) ii·01
eighteen·5-24·9 1,363,789 (42·ii) ii,528 (36·3) i·85 584 (33·9) 0·43 1,944 (37·0) 1·43
25·0-29·9 824,681 (25·5) 1,598 (22·ix) one·94 421 (24·four) 0·51 1,177 (22·4) ane·43
>=thirty·0 858,255 (26·6) 2,280 (32·7) 2·66 561 (32·6) 0·65 i,719 (32·8) 2·00
Missing 77,776 (two·iv) 281 (4·0) iii·61 87 (5·1) i·12 194 (3·7) 2·49
P value < 0·001 < 0·001 < 0·001
C-section 1,033,321 (32·0) 3,156 (45·3) 3·05 929 (53·9) 0·90 2,227 (42·4) two·16
Vaginal 2,195,848 (68·0) 3,807 (54·6) i·73 792 (46·0) 0·36 3,015 (57·5) i·37
Missing one,331 (0) 6 (0·one) 4·51 one (0·ane) 0·75 5 (0·1) 3·76
P value < 0·001 < 0·001 < 0·001
Singleton 3,121,438 (96·6) 6,279 (xc·ane) 2·01 1,444 (83·9) 0·46 4,835 (92·i) 1·55
Multiple 109,062 (3·4) 690 (9·9) 6·33 278 (16·one) 2·55 412 (7·ix) 3·78
P value < 0·001 < 0·001 < 0·001
Private ane,574,667 (48·seven) 1,959 (28·1) ane·24 618 (35·9) 0·39 1,341 (25·half-dozen) 0·85
Medicaid 1,378,337 (42·7) 4,416 (63·4) 3·20 955 (55·5) 0·69 3,461 (66·0) 2·51
Self-pay 134,020 (4·1) 293 (iv·two) 2·19 84 (4·nine) 0·63 209 (four·0) 1·56
Other 124,158 (3·viii) 254 (iii·6) ii·05 50 (2·9) 0·xl 204 (three·nine) 1·64
Missing 19,318 (0·6) 47 (0·7) 2·43 15 (0·9) 0·78 32 (0·vi) one·66
P value < 0·001 < 0·001 < 0·001
Maternal Diabetes
Yes 236,464 (7·3) 445 (6·4) 1·88 105 (half dozen·1) 0·44 340 (6·v) 1·44
No 2,991,619 (92·vi) vi,510 (93·four) 2·xviii one,612 (93·six) 0·54 iv,898 (93·iii) i·64
Missing 2,417 (0·1) 14 (0·ii) 5·79 5 (0·3) 2·07 9 (0·ii) 3·72
P value < 0·001 0·001 < 0·001
Maternal Hypertension
Yes 289,223 (9·0) 870 (12·v) three·01 230 (13·4) 0·viii 640 (12·2) 2·21
No two,938,860 (ninety·9) 6,085 (87·three) two·07 i,487 (86·4) 0·51 4,598 (87·6) 1·56
Missing 2,417 (0·one) 14 (0·ii) v·79 5 (0·3) 2·07 9 (0·2) 3·72
P value < 0·001 < 0·001 < 0·001
Infant Characteristics
Ever 2,700,334 (83·vi) 4,603 (66·0) one·70 1,076 (62·5) 0·40 3,527 (67·2) ane·31
Never 530,166 (xvi·4) 2,366 (34·0) iv·46 646 (37·5) 1·22 1,720 (32·8) 3·24
P value < 0·001 < 0·001 < 0·001
Yeah 289,056 (eight·9) 2,941 (42·2) 10·17 1,202 (69·8) iv·16 i,739 (33·1) 6·02
No two,939,185 (91·0) 4,014 (57·6) ane·37 515 (29·9) 0·xviii 3,499 (66·7) 1·19
Missing 2,259 (0·1) 14 (0·2) half-dozen·xx 5 (0·3) 2·21 9 (0·2) iii·98
P value < 0·001 < 0·001 < 0·001
Gestational Historic period (weeks)
<34 103,042 (3·ii) 2,120 (30·4) 20·57 1,009 (58·half-dozen) 9·79 1,111 (21·ii) x·78
34-36 272,468 (viii·4) 892 (12·eight) 3·27 157 (9·i) 0·58 735 (14·0) 2·70
37-38 828,963 (25·7) 1,469 (21·1) i·77 208 (12·ane) 0·25 1,261 (24·0) 1·52
39-xl 1,584,870 (49·1) 1,875 (26·ix) 1·xviii 245 (14·two) 0·15 i,630 (31·1) one·03
≥41 439,725 (13·6) 606 (viii·7) ane·38 99 (5·7) 0·23 507 (ix·7) 1·15
Missing i,432 (0) seven (0·i) 4·89 4 (0·2) two·79 iii (0·1) two·09
P value < 0·001 < 0·001 < 0·001
Birth Order
i 1,218,766 (37·vii) 2,240 (32·1) 1·84 668 (38·eight) 0·55 ane,572 (30·0) 1·29
2 1,033,548 (32·0) 1,986 (28·five) one·92 456 (26·v) 0·44 1,530 (29·two) 1·48
>=3 970,561 (thirty·0) two,711 (38·9) 2·79 590 (34·iii) 0·61 2,121 (twoscore·iv) ii·19
Missing 7,625 (0·2) 32 (0·5) 4·2 8 (0·5) i·05 24 (0·5) three·15
P value < 0·001 < 0·001 < 0·001
Birth Weight (grams)
500-1499 37,518 (1·ii) 1,811 (26·0) 48·27 935 (54·3) 24·92 876 (16·7) 23·35
1500-2499 223,364 (6·nine) 1,121 (xvi·one) 5·02 236 (13·7) one·06 885 (16·9) iii·96
2500-3999 2,717,184 (84·1) 3,810 (54·7) one·xl 520 (thirty·two) 0·19 3,290 (62·vii) 1·21
≥4000 251,317 (seven·8) 221 (3·two) 0·88 29 (one·7) 0·12 192 (3·7) 0·76
Missing i,117 (0) 6 (0·ane) v·37 2 (0·i) one·79 four (0·1) iii·58
P value < 0·001 < 0·001 < 0·001
Sexual practice
Male person i,651,917 (51·1) three,925 (56·iii) two·38 978 (56·8) 0·59 2,947 (56·two) ane·78
Female 1,578,583 (48·9) 3,044 (43·7) 1·93 744 (43·2) 0·47 2,300 (43·8) 1·46
P value < 0·001 < 0·001 < 0·001

aWIC=Special Supplemental Nutrition Programme for Women, Infants, and Children

bBMI= Body Mass Index

cNICU=Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

dResults not available because of less than x observations in display

SAS Version nine.4 (Cary, NC) was used for all data analyses and results were considered statistically pregnant at p <0·05. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) determined that this study was non subject to Institutional Review Board review considering simply deidentified secondary data were analyzed.


Table i lists the maternal and infant characteristics in this written report. Of all live births included in this study, 20·5% were among mothers who were Hispanic, 54·viii% non-Hispanic White, 15·seven% non-Hispanic Black, 5·3% not-Hispanic Asian, 0·2% non-Hispanic Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, and 0·9% not-Hispanic American Indian/Alaska Native. Although most mothers sought prenatal care during their first trimester (74·1%) and did non smoke during pregnancy (92·1%), a large proportion were classified as either having overweight (25·5%) or obesity (26·half-dozen%) based on BMI calculated from self-reported pre-pregnancy height and weight or had a Caesarean delivery (32·0%). Among the infants, 8·9% required NICU access, 11·6% were preterm (<37 weeks), and 8·1% had low birth weight (<2500g). This study excluded neonatal death within seven days (6913), malignancy death (42) and built bibelot decease (1843). Comparing with included death for this study, those excluded deaths were more than likely to exist infants born amid mothers who were older than 35 years of historic period (12% vs. 20%), had a college education (13% vs. 22%) and of Hispanic origin (15% vs. 24%).

The overall IMR among infants of non-Hispanic Black mothers was more than twice that of non-Hispanic White mothers (three·99 vs. i·84 per yard births). Preterm and low birth weight infants besides had a college IMR compared with term (≥37 weeks) and normal birth weight infants (≥2500 grams) (Table 1). The breastfeeding initiation rate among all births was 83·6% and was significantly associated with each maternal and infant factor examined among all births. Amongst both late-neonatal and post-neonatal deaths, breastfeeding initiation rates were the highest for mothers with college education, being married, initiating prenatal care during the 1st trimester, non-smoking during pregnancy, and having private insurance (Table 2).

Table 2 E'er breastfeeding rates among 2017 birth accomplice, United states

Full live births


n (% breastfed

of total)

Baby deaths

7−364 days


northward (% breastfed

of total)

Belatedly-neonatal deaths seven−27 days


n (% breastfed

of full)

Post-neonatal death

28−364 days


northward (% breastfed

of total)

Overall 2,700,334 (83·half dozen) 4,603 (66·0) 1,076 (62·v) three,527 (67·2)
Maternal Characteristics
<20 years 123,371 (73·0) 454 (65·three) 81 (57·0) 373 (67·5)
xx-24 years 513,062 (78·3) one,346 (65·7) 293 (66·i) 1,053 (65·six)
25-29 years 793,570 (83·v) 1,247 (64·1) 257 (58·9) 990 (65·6)
30-34 years 793,608 (87·four) 974 (68·vii) 273 (65·five) 701 (70·1)
>=35 years 476,723 (87·1) 582 (67·4) 172 (60·vi) 410 (70·7)
P value <0·001 0·094 0·974 0·018
<High school 308,369 (72·5) 818 (55·8) 159 (fifty·five) 659 (57·3)
High schoolhouse 619,067 (75·five) 1,567 (62·one) 340 (sixty·3) 1,227 (62·half-dozen)
Some college 784,324 (84·8) 1,455 (72·half-dozen) 353 (68·3) 1,102 (74·1)
≥Higher 971,033 (93·6) 729 (80·5) 216 (70·half-dozen) 513 (85·5)
P value <0·001 <0·001 <0·001 <0·001
Hispanic 580,921 (87·v) 782 (73·iii) 173 (64·6) 609 (76·2)
Non-Hispanic white 1,500,110 (84·8) ii,181 (67·1) 534 (64·8) ane,647 (67·8)
Not-Hispanic blackness 365,640 (72·2) 1,202 (59·four) 263 (56·viii) 939 (lx·two)
Non-Hispanic Asian 156,016 (91·2) 136 (72·vii) 41 (64·1) 95 (77·2)
Non-Hispanic Hawaiian/Pacific Islander vi,130 (82·5) 15 (75·0) NA 12 (75·0)
Non-Hispanic American Indian/Alaska Native twenty,967 (75·5) fourscore (62·0) 12 (54·5) 68 (63·6)
2 or more races 55,962 (82·9) 182 (72·v) 43 (71·7) 139 (72·eight)
P value <0·001 0·014 0·704 0·008
Yes 905,258 (76·2) 2,198 (63·v) 427 (61·nine) 1,771 (64·0)
No i,764,716 (88·0) 2,348 (68·8) 636 (63·3) 1,712 (71·two)
P value <0·001 <0·001 0·558 <0·001
Yes one,741,571 (89·8) 1,826 (73·0) 488 (66·vi) 1,338 (75·vii)
No 958,763 (74·iii) 2,777 (62·one) 588 (59·v) ii,189 (62·ix)
P value <0·001 <0·001 0·003 <0·001
Prenatal Care
1st trimester two,046,682 (85·5) 2,966 (70·5) 736 (67·0) ii,230 (71·7)
2nd trimester 432,865 (79·five) 989 (62·5) 172 (57·3) 817 (63·7)
3rd trimester 117,516 (78·i) 230 (59·6) 30 (56·half dozen) 200 (60·one)
No prenatal care 37,072 (64·0) 221 (50·8) 81 (51·9) 140 (50·2)
P value <0·001 <0·001 <0·001 <0·001
Smoking during pregnancy
Yes 145,304 (60·2) 734 (53·9) 147 (54·six) 587 (53·vii)
No 2,544,846 (85·5) 3,838 (69·3) 922 (64·three) ii,916 (71·0)
P value <0·001 <0·001 0·003 <0·001
Prepregnancy BMI (kg/1000two)b
<18·5 85,136 (80·3) 172 (61·0) 36 (52·ii) 136 (63·8)
eighteen·5-24·nine 1,172,740 (86·0) 1,690 (66·9) 378 (64·7) 1,312 (67·v)
25·0-29·9 696,153 (84·4) 1,075 (67·3) 262 (62·ii) 813 (69·1)
>=xxx·0 685,399 (79·ix) 1,513 (66·4) 357 (63·6) 1,156 (67·2)
P value <0·001 0·593 0·630 0·695
C-section 843,990 (81·7) ii,093 (66·3) 592 (63·7) i,501 (67·iv)
Vaginal i,855,242 (84·5) 2,505 (65·eight) 483 (61·0) 2,022 (67·i)
P value <0·001 0·649 0·242 0·798
Singleton two,614,365 (83·8) 4,150 (66·1) 898 (62·ii) 3,252 (67·3)
Multiple 85,969 (78·8) 453 (65·7) 178 (64·0) 275 (66·7)
P value <0·001 0·816 0·562 0·832
Private ane,418,370 (90·1) ane,479 (75·5) 434 (seventy·two) one,045 (77·9)
Medicaid 1,040,425 (75·5) 2,718 (61·5) 551 (57·7) 2,167 (62·six)
Self-pay 116,943 (87·iii) 185 (63·1) 44 (52·4) 141 (67·5)
Other 108,978 (87·8) 194 (76·4) 38 (76·0) 156 (76·5)
P value <0·001 <0·001 0·002 <0·001
Maternal Diabetes
Yes 196,220 (83·0) 303 (68·1) 67 (63·8) 236 (69·4)
No 2,502,343 (83·half-dozen) 4,293 (65·9) 1,007 (62·5) 3,286 (67·i)
P value <0·001 0·355 0·783 0·378
Maternal Hypertension
Yes 230,563 (79·vii) 583 (67) 151 (65·seven) 432 (67·5)
No 2,468,000 (84) iv,013 (65·9) 923 (62·1) 3,090 (67·two)
P value <0·001 0·536 0·296 0·881
Infant Characteristics
Yes 216,549 (74·9) ane,887 (64·2) 738 (61·iv) 1,149 (66·1)
No 2,481,988 (84·four) ii,709 (67·v) 337 (65·4) two,372 (67·viii)
P value <0·001 0·004 0·113 0·212
Gestational Age (weeks)
<34 74,500 (72·iii) 1,365 (64·4) 638 (63·2) 727 (65·4)
34-36 209,994 (77·1) 540 (60·5) 88 (56·1) 452 (61·5)
37-38 682,959 (82·four) 985 (67·one) 133 (63·ix) 852 (67·half-dozen)
39-40 1,355,501 (85·five) 1,294 (69·0) 156 (63·7) i,138 (69·8)
≥41 376,675 (85·vii) 418 (69·0) 61 (61·half-dozen) 357 (70·four)
P value <0·001 <0·001 0·963 <0·001
Nativity Lodge
1 1,063,965 (87·3) 1,622 (72·iv) 457 (68·4) 1,165 (74·1)
2 868,792 (84·i) 1,326 (66·8) 279 (61·2) 1,047 (68·four)
>=3 761,572 (78·5) ane,641 (60·5) 336 (56·9) one,305 (61·five)
P value <0·001 <0·001 <0·001 <0·001
Nascency Weight (grams)
500-1499 26,875 (71·vi) ane,181 (65·two) 591 (63·two) 590 (67·4)
1500-2499 166,916 (74·seven) 673 (60·0) 139 (58·9) 534 (threescore·three)
2500-3999 ii,286,098 (84·1) 2,586 (67·9) 328 (63·1) ii,258 (68·6)
≥4000 219,573 (87·4) 161 (72·9) 18 (62·1) 143 (74·5)
P value <0·001 0·001 0·845 0·008
Sex activity
Male one,379,554 (83·5) two,624 (66·ix) 624 (63·8) two,000 (67·9)
Female person 1,320,780 (83·vii) 1,979 (65·0) 452 (60·8) 1,527 (66·four)
P value <0·001 0·108 0·195 0·259

aWIC=Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children

bBMI= Body Mass Index

cNICU=Neonatal Intensive Intendance Unit of measurement

dResults non available because of less than 10 observations in display

Multiple logistic regression analysis was performed on two,700,334 breastfed and 530,166 non-breastfed infants, adjusting for covariates (Table 3). Considering of a relatively loftier percent of missing data on BMI (2·four%) and initial prenatal intendance (2·six%), "missing" for these two covariates were included as a category in the models to increment the sample size. Analysis revealed AOR=0·74 (95% CI=0·70–0·79, p<0·001) for overall bloodshed in breastfed infants, 0·60 (0·54–0·67, p<0·001) for belatedly-neonatal mortality, and 0·81 (0·76–0·87, p<0·001) for post-neonatal mortality. In stratified models for overall infant deaths, statistically significant results were noted for all race/ethnicity subgroups except non-Hispanic Hawaiian/Pacific islanders, American Indians/Alaska Natives, and ii or more than races. Compared with AOR among mail service-neonatal deaths, the effect sizes of breastfeeding for belatedly-neonatal deaths were larger across all race/ethnicity subgroups except for ii or more races. Although the rough odds ratios indicated stronger associations of breastfeeding with infant deaths in each race/ethnicity, these estimates were attenuated afterward decision-making for confounding factors, but remained significant for Hispanic, non-Hispanic White, non-Hispanic Black, and non-Hispanic Asian infants. Except for nascency weight ≥4000 grams, statistically significant AORs were consistently observed for overall babe deaths across dissimilar groups of gestational age and nascence weight. Similarly, the adjusted assay showed that the effect size of breastfeeding was consistently larger for late-neonatal deaths than for mail-neonatal deaths, regardless of gestational age and nativity weight.

Table 3 Logistic regression analyses for the association of e'er breastfeeding with post-perinatal baby deaths amid 2017 nascency cohort, United States

Live nascence Overall Infant Expiry (vii−364 days) Late-neonatal deaths (7−27 days) Postal service-neonatal deaths (28−364 days)
Number n CORa

(95% CI, p value)


(95% CI, p value)

n CORa

(95% CI, p value)


(95% CI, p value)

n CORa

(95% CI, p value)


(95% CI, p value)

Full 3,230,500 6,969 0·38

(0·36-0·twoscore, <·001)


(0·70-0·79, <·001)

1,722 0·33

(0·xxx-0·36, <·001)


(0·54-0·67, <·001)

5,247 0·xl

(0·38-0·43, <·001)


(0·76-0·87, <·001)

Hispanic 663,545 one,067 0·39

(0·34-0·45, <·001)


(0·55-0·74, <·001)

268 0·26

(0·20-0·33, <·001)


(0·36-0·62, <·001)

799 0·45

(0·39-0·53, <·001)


(0·61-0·88, 0·001)

Non-Hispanic white 1,769,279 three,252 0·36

(0·34-0·39, <·001)


(0·69-0·81, <·001)

824 0·33

(0·29-0·38, <·001)


(0·52-0·72, <·001)

2,428 0·38

(0·35-0·41, <·001)


(0·73-0·89, <·001)

Not-Hispanic black 506,440 2,022 0·56

(0·52-0·62, <·001)


(0·75-0·91, <·001)

463 0·51

(0·42-0·61, <·001)


(0·58-0·87, 0·001)

1,559 0·58

(0·53-0·64, <·001)


(0·78-0·98, 0·018)

Non-Hispanic Asian 171,023 187 0·25

(0·18-0·35, <·001)


(0·36-0·72, <·001)

64 0·17

(0·10-0·28, <·001)


(0·20-0·55, <·001)

123 0·32

(0·21-0·49, <·001)


(0·42-1·03, 0·064)

Not-Hispanic Hawaiian

/Pacific Islander

7,430 20 0·60

(0·23-ane·58, 0·300)


(0·32-1·87, 0·569)

4 N/Ac North/Ac 16 0·59

(0·twenty-1·73, 0·336)


(0·21-1·21, 0·125)

Non-Hispanic American

Indian/Alaska Native

27,757 129 0·52

(0·37-0·75, <·001)


(0·61-1·32, 0·589)

22 0·39

(0·17-0·88, 0·023)


(0·36-ane·66, 0·506)

107 0·56

(0·38-0·83, 0·004)


(0·61-i·42, 0·751)

2 or more than races 67,490 251 0·54

(0·41-0·71, <·001)


(0·66-1·22, 0·500)

sixty 0·51

(0·29-0·89, 0·018)


(0·56-ane·ninety, 0·917)

191 0·55

(0·forty-0·75, <·001)


(0·61-1·21, 0·389)

Gestational Age (weeks)
<34 103042 2120 0·69

(0·63-0·75, <·001)


(0·71-0·87, <·001)

1009 0·66

(0·58-0·75, <·001)


(0·61-0·82, <·001)

1111 0·72

(0·63-0·81, <·001)


(0·77-1·01, 0·078)

34-36 272,468 892 0·45

(0·forty-0·52, <·001)


(0·65-0·88, <·001)

157 0·38

(0·28-0·52, <·001)


(0·40-0·81, 0·002)

735 0·47

(0·41-0·55, <·001)


(0·68-0·95, 0·010)

37-38 828,963 1,469 0·43

(0·39-0·48, <·001)


(0·71-0·91, <·001)

208 0·38

(0·28-0·fifty, <·001)


(0·45-0·83, 0·002)

1,261 0·44

(0·39-0·50, <·001)


(0·73-0·96, 0·009)

39-40 i,584,870 one,875 0·38

(0·34-0·41, <·001)


(0·69-0·86, <·001)

245 0·xxx

(0·23-0·38, <·001)


(0·41-0·72, <·001)

1,630 0·39

(0·35-0·43, <·001)


(0·72-0·91, 0·001)

≥twoscore 439,725 606 0·37

(0·31-0·44, <·001)


(0·62-0·91, 0·003)

99 0·27

(0·18-0·40, <·001)


(0·32-0·74, 0·001)

507 0·forty

(0·33-0·48, <·001)


(0·67-1·01, 0·065)

Birth Weight (grams)
500-1499 37,518 i,811 0·73

(0·66-0·81, <·001)


(0·71-0·88, <·001)

935 0·67

(0·59-0·77, <·001)


(0·sixty-0·80, <·001)

876 0·80

(0·lxx-0·93, 0·003)


(0·78-ane·07, 0·283)

1500-2499 223,364 1,121 0·51

(0·45-0·57, <·001)


(0·7-0·92, 0·002)

236 0·48

(0·37-0·63, <·001)


(0·51-0·ninety, 0·008)

885 0·51

(0·45-0·59, <·001)


(0·72-0·98, 0·025)

2500-3999 two,717,184 3,810 0·40

(0·37-0·43, <·001)


(0·71-0·82, <·001)

520 0·32

(0·27-0·38, <·001)


(0·45-0·67, <·001)

iii,290 0·41

(0·38-0·44, <·001)


(0·74-0·87, <·001)

≥4000 251,317 221 0·39

(0·29-0·52, <·001)


(0·56-ane·06, 0·108)

29 0·23

(0·eleven-0·49, <·001)


(0·16-0·63, 0·001)

192 0·42

(0·30-0·58, <·001)


(0·62-1·23, 0·431)

aRough odds ratio.

bAdjusted odds ratio (AOR) with 95% confidence interval (CI) were obtained by controlling for maternal race (except for race subgroup assay), maternal age, maternal teaching, WIC participation, marital status, prenatal care, smoking during pregnancy, maternal prepregnancy BMI, type of delivery, birth plurality, insurance, maternal diabetes, maternal hypertension, birth gild, sexual practice, and birth weight (except for nascence weight subgroup analysis).

cResults non available because of minor numbers and questionable validity of the model fit.

Tabular array 4 illustrates the associations of ever breastfeeding with the following causes of deaths: infections, injuries, SUID (including SIDS, ASSB and "unknown"), NEC, Injuries and ''other'' (including circulatory, brusk gestation, and all other causes). Statistically significant associations of ever breastfeeding and specific causes of death were observed for infection (AOR=0·81, 0·69–0·94, p=0·007), SUID (AOR=0·85, 0·78–0·92, p<0·001), NEC (AOR=0·67, 0·49–0·90, p=0·009) and "other" (AOR =0·62, 0·56–0·69, p<0·001).

Table 4 Logistic regression analyses for the associations of ever breastfeeding with each crusade of postal service-perinatal infant death among 2017 birth cohort, United States

Cause of Death Live births (Northward) Baby deaths (North) Crude Odds Ratio Adapted Odds Ratioa
Ever/Never breastfeeding

(95% CI, p-value)

Ever/Never Breastfeeding

(95% CI, p-value)

Total population
Infection 3,027,904 802 0·44(0·38-0·51, <·001) 0·81(0·69-0·94, 0·007)
Sudden Unexpected Babe Expiry 3,029,916 ii,814 0·38(0·35-0·41, <·001) 0·85(0·78-0·92, <·001)
 Sudden Infant Decease Syndrome (R95) three,028,145 one,043 0·twoscore(0·35-0·46, <·001) 0·89(0·78-1·03, 0·11)
 Adventitious Suffocation and Strangulation in Bed (W75) 3,027,863 761 0·39(0·33-0·45, <·001) 0·90(0·77-i·05, 0·191)
 Unknown (R99) 3,028,112 one,010 0·34(0·30-0·39, <·001) 0·76(0·67-0·87, <·001)
Necrotizing Enterocolitis 3,027,308 206 0·43(0·32-0·57, <·001) 0·67(0·49-0·ninety, 0·009)
Injuries three,027,555 453 0·44(0·36-0·54, <·001) 0·88(0·71-1·08, 0·223)
Other 3,029,109 two,007 0·37(0·34-0·41, <·001) 0·62(0·56-0·69, <·001)

aAll models were adapted for maternal race, maternal historic period, maternal teaching, WIC participation, marital status, prenatal care, smoking during pregnancy, maternal prepregnancy BMI, blazon of delivery, nativity plurality, insurance, maternal diabetes, maternal hypertension, nascency order, sex, and nascence weight (except for the modeling on Necrotizing Enterocolitis).


In this study of linked birth-death data from over 3 one thousand thousand US infants born in 2017, nosotros evaluated the associations between breastfeeding initiation and post-perinatal infant deaths. Our analysis revealed a 26% reduction in odds for overall post-perinatal deaths associated with the initiation of breastfeeding (95% CI=21%−xxx%, p<0·001). For late-neonatal deaths, the reduction in infant mortality was greater at xl% (95% CI=33%−46%, p<0·001), with 19% reduction in mail service-neonatal deaths associated with the initiation of breastfeeding (95% CI=13%−24%, p<0·001). This large national study is consistent with previous findings in smaller cohorts, where breastfeeding initiation was associated with reduced mail service-neonatal deaths in a representative US sample of mothers with live births and baby deaths during 198813 and with overall post-perinatal deaths in a cohort of infants from 2004 to 2014.

These significant associations between any breastfeeding and reduced infant mortality, particularly in the neonatal period suggest that efforts to promote, protect, and support breastfeeding may be an important infant mortality reduction strategy to reach Good for you People 2030 goals.


U.South. Department of Wellness and Man Services
Reduce the rate of infant deaths within 1 year of age.

Notably, our study excluded early on neonatal deaths (0-vi days) as a previous study showed such deaths significantly differed from post-perinatal deaths (7–364 days) in the distributions of ICD 10 codes as well as maternal and infant characteristics.

The exclusion of early neonatal deaths also helps reduce the possibility of contrary causality, since these infants were likely too sick to breastfeed. Information technology is recommended, therefore, to consider early on neonatal deaths every bit a discrete entity from postal service-perinatal deaths, and further studies on the touch of breastfeeding on infants who died before seven days are warranted. In improver, we separated babe deaths into late-neonatal and post-neonatal baby death in this report to distinguish patterns in the causes of death and associated maternal and babe gamble factors betwixt these ii life states.

For the US to achieve the 2030 Salubrious People IMR goal of 5·0 deaths per 1000 infants, a fourteen% overall reduction is needed.


U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Reduce the rate of infant deaths within 1 twelvemonth of age.

We found statistically significant associations between any breastfeeding and postal service-perinatal infant deaths among most racial/ethnic groups, with 25% reductions in overall mail-perinatal babe mortality for the not-Hispanic White population, 17% reduction in non-Hispanic Blacks, and even greater protection in association with breastfeeding amidst Hispanic and non-Hispanic Asian populations (36% and 49% lower death rates, respectively). The reasons for a smaller effect size among not-Hispanic blackness population cannot exist explained by farther analysis of our data, but we offering two potential explanations. Outset, our analysis does non accost the bear upon of breastfeeding elapsing and exclusivity, which is known to be significantly lower in the non-Hispanic Blackness population compared to all others except for American Indian and Alaska Natives.


Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention. National Immunization Survey: Breastfeeding Rates.

Thus, breastfeeding "dose" to the infant whose mother initiates breastfeeding is not equal by race. 2nd, the small issue size might be explained by other hazard factors for which nosotros were not able to fully adjust for. Social and structural determinants of baby death risks, such equally poverty and structural racism, are more prevalent among not-Hispanic blackness population regardless of their breastfeeding condition and thus may dilute the event of breastfeeding. Given the high IMR in the United states of america, whatsoever intervention that could reduce infant deaths would be worthwhile, even if itself solitary does not reduce disparities proportionately.

The consequence sizes with belatedly-neonatal deaths were consistently larger than those with mail service-neonatal deaths for each racial/ethnic group, with the largest 67% reduction observed among the non-Hispanic Asian population. These findings further back up the promotion of breastfeeding equally a potential important strategy to reduce infant mortality, especially neonatal deaths

. Noting that breastfeeding rates vary beyond American subpopulations and the social determinants of health including workplace support and structural racism must exist addressed to mitigate barriers to breastfeeding,


  • Griswold MK
  • Crawford SL
  • Perry DJ
  • et al.

Experiences of racism and breastfeeding initiation and duration among outset-fourth dimension mothers of the Blackness Women's Health Study.

the Surgeon General has highlighted the demand for culturally-appropriate breastfeeding promotion efforts


Office of the Surgeon General (United states)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.s.a.); Office on Women's Health (US). The Surgeon General's Call to Activity to Support Breastfeeding.

This assay from a high-income country setting adds to the literature already available from low- and middle-income land settings by demonstrating the protective clan of breastfeeding initiation on overall mail-perinatal deaths for infants, regardless of gestational age and across different nascence weights including preterm (<37 weeks) and low nascence weight (<2500 grams) infants. Significant reductions in late-neonatal deaths were too identified amongst all gestational age and birth weight groups examined, as well as reductions in mail service-neonatal deaths in gestational ages 34-twoscore weeks, and birthweight 1500-3999 grams. These data support the importance of chest milk for all infants, including preterm and low birth weight infants, and back up the recommendation by the American University of Pediatrics to use human milk for all infants

The current study further indicates the causes of death with reductions that are associated with breastfeeding initiation. Specifically, reduced odds for post-perinatal infant mortality from infectious conditions (19%, p = 0·009), SUID (15%, p<0·001), NEC (23%, p = 0·009), and "Other" (38%, p<0·001) was observed (Table 4). The SUID grouping (including R99, R95, W75) is beingness increasingly used by researchers to produce more accurate comparisons in SUIDs over time.


  • Shapiro-Mendoza C.
  • Tomashek K.
  • Anderson R.
  • Wingo J.

Recent national trends in sudden, unexpected infant deaths: more bear witness supporting a change in classification or reporting.

This group is important because private death certifiers accept varied preferences and practices with the utilize of the individual codes making comparisons betwixt the sub-categories of SUID problematic due to "diagnostic shift".


  • Shapiro-Mendoza CK
  • Parks S
  • Lambert AE
  • et al.

The Epidemiology of Sudden Babe Decease Syndrome and Sudden Unexpected Infant Deaths: Diagnostic Shift and other Temporal Changes.

In addition, the importance of breastfeeding for at least 2 months has been shown to reduce the risk of SIDS,

but our study only evaluated the initiation of whatever breastfeeding, which may limit statistical significance for the SIDS subgroup in our findings. Similarly, the crude reduction in deaths due to injuries associated with breastfeeding, when adjusted for possible confounders that included socioeconomic factors such as insurance blazon, maternal age and education, was no longer statistically significant. This highlights the importance of addressing socio-economic risks for both injury prevention and breastfeeding promotion, protection, and support.

These linked nascence−death data provided a unique opportunity to examine mail service-perinatal infant mortality reduction in relation to breastfeeding initiation. This written report has several strengths: all the infants born in the US are included in this study except for those from California and Michigan; this prospective birth accomplice followed infants born in 2017 for an entire twelvemonth to ascertain their death rates and causes; stratified analysis and decision-making for a series of maternal and baby factors in the adjusted analysis provide more than advisable estimates for true associations of breastfeeding with postal service-perinatal infant mortality.

An important limitation of our assay is the lack of information regarding duration and exclusivity of breastfeeding from birth certificates. Future studies should focus on the elapsing and intensity of breastfeeding to decide if the pregnant reductions in infant mortality are farther related to timing, exposure, and/or dose response to chest milk. In improver, using the vital statistic data alone, this report could non identify the causal pathway between initiating breastfeeding and babe bloodshed, such as structural racism and other social determinants of health that impact breastfeeding practices and infant outcomes especially among Black women.

These upstream factors are recognized every bit barriers to both initiation and continuation of breastfeeding and should be addressed to support breastfeeding. Lastly, although many social factors that create barriers to breastfeeding such equally lack of paid maternity go out and the need to return to work, access to breastfeeding support, and presence of peer office models are non available on the birth certificate data, the socio-demographic characteristics such as type of insurance, WIC participation, maternal age and education, race and ethnicity are proxy of these possible confounding furnishings. Decision-making for these available factors lessened the clan in almost all categories and causes of death, which highlights the importance of addressing societal factors in the promotion, protection, and support of breastfeeding to ameliorate health equity. Despite our statistical efforts towards a more robust study design, nosotros may not have completely ruled out the reverse causality and residual misreckoning furnishings given the nature of this study. To address how robust our findings are to potential uncontrolled confounding, we accept conducted a sensitivity analyses using E-value.

To explain away the observed associations between breastfeeding and overall babe death, late-neonatal death, and mail-neonatal death, the minimum forcefulness of the clan (Due east-value) between the unmeasured confounding and breastfeeding or infant decease would exist 2.04, two.73, and ane.76, respectively. These big E-values imply that unmeasured confounding, if existing, needs to be strong to explicate abroad the association observed in this study.

In conclusion, nosotros take identified significant associations between the initiation of any breastfeeding and reduced post-perinatal deaths in the United states population, with consistent findings in various stratified analyses representing different demographics and wellness condition. These findings support integrating efforts to promote, protect, and support breastfeeding for US infant mortality reduction efforts.


RL and JW adult the study protocol and designed the study with input from all authors. RL, JW, AC, JMK, ALM, and CGP developed the analysis strategy. RL, JMN, JC, and CGP obtained the data. RL and JC analyzed the data and created the tables and effigy. RL and JW wrote the first draft. All authors reviewed, made inputs to data interpretation, and approved the terminal paper.

Declaration of Interest

We declare no competing interests.


The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the U.S. Centers for Affliction Control and Prevention.



Information Sharing Statement

Role of the funding source

There was no funding source for this written report.


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